Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lighthouses in Three

Last fall the Yang Ming Transport Company held its 1st International Children's Painting Competition. Thanks to Ms. Jesse, who works at the Houston branch of Yang Ming, our kids were encouraged to submit entries. Anne, Joy, and Nathan decided to send in entries depicting lighthouses on the coast. Here are their respective entries.

Anne's entry.

Elise Joy's entry. Third Place in US regional judging. Honorary Mention in international finals.

Nathan's entry

As can be obviously inferred, Nathan only participated because we encouraged him. Anne and Joy worked on their watercolor paintings quite a bit. Anne's approach is linear and clean. Joy decided to fit in as many details as she could, with a lot of variety. As a parent, you're not supposed to play favorites, and I'm not. But Joy's painting comes across as vibrant and creative. Apparently, the judges felt the same way, because Joy's entry made it to the International Judging phase and got an Honorary Mention honor.

Great job, Joy. We're happy for you.

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