Monday, August 21, 2006

the last five years; ramblings & memories

disclaimer: i decided to forego the rules of grammar in this post.

5 years, wow! that's nearly a seventh of my lifetime. here are a couple of pennies' worth of reflection on this period of time.

anne finished 5 years of elementary school in one school district (actually 2 schools).
ellie-joy & nathan came to know Christ as Savior during this time.
joy was hospitalized & had surgery
nathan-now six years old, has doubled his weight in five years (from 26 lbs. to 52 lbs.)
betty and i got our green cards.
except for working part-time in different positions at dallas seminary, fbcc marks my longest employment term ever.
attended cpc (children's pastor's conference) 6 times

i'll keep adding as more random, trivial observations come to mind.

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