Betty and I continue to praise God for His remarkable work in answering our prayers 3 out of 3 that our children, Anne, Elise Joy, and Nathan would accept Christ as Savior. Anne accepted Christ in 1998 when she was over three years old, then Elise Joy confessed belief in 2002 when she was 4 years old. Nathan is five years old and starting kindergarten and now, his time of salvation has come.
Last week, on September 7, Wednesday night, Nathanael made his decision to accept Christ as Savior. Mom was there to pray with him and answer his questions (Unfortunately for me, I had gone back to the office to work on preparing for Awana). But Betty relates what happened:
Nathan asked her about going to heaven and seeing Jesus. Mom answered that he would not be able to go to heaven. This was because he was a sinner. Nathan said: "I know the classroom rules, but I can't do it." Nathan started kindergarten last month and had been bringing home a rather colorful behavior report folder. It seems all the colors that could be there were present, whereas his two older sisters had brought home "boring" folders. To motivate Nathan, we had promised a reward if he could get five "greens" in a row.
He turned to Mom and said, "I know I'm a sinner. I want to believe in Jesus." Nathan had heard the gospel before. In fact, his older sister Anne had told him how to pray a year ago, and he followed her prayer. But when we inquired whether he had prayed, he said he didn't. Apparently it was only to comply with his big sister. However, this time, he was ready to pray for himself.

Resisting the Dark Side. Nathan, Anne and friend Priscilla fights back against Darth Vader at Legoland (San Diego, CA). Nathan and I refers to getting a "red" in his kindergarten folder as getting a Darth Vader. The goal is to come home with a "Luke Skywalker."
After he prayed to confess his sin and believe in what Jesus had done, Mom explained to him what the Bible said about assurance. She asked him if someone were to invite him to believe in Jesus again, would he do it? He answered matter-of-factly, "No." Then he added, "He already there."